Once the process route has been decided, Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) are created which show the main pieces of process equipment and where material is flowing. The basic design conditions are likely to be known at this point, such as operating temperatures and pressures.
The design of the main pieces of process equipment will have been chosen by this stage.
Depending on the project, there may still be a number of options for consideration at this point, taking into account economic, practical, and safety matters to decide on the best overall design.
As only basic design parameters are known at this point, a HS2 Hazard Study 2 , or HazID Hazard Identification Study can be carried out at this stage. See HS2 definition.
=Method does not carry out process design, but can assist clients in selecting a suitable design partner.
Project to facilitate a Hazard Study 2 (HazID) on the installation of new saturated steam package boilers.
Industry: Mining / Metal / CementA Process Risk Assessment 2 (PRA2) study and associated report for a new herbicide process, with raw material supply from isotankers. The PRA2 was carried out by a multi-disciplinary team comprising representatives from the client and =Method with experience in Process Engineering, Process Operations, Project Engineering and Project Management, Chemistry, and Process Safety. The project was executed in accordance with =Method Safety Plan and followed the client's own PRA procedures.
Industry: AgrochemicalHazard Study
Industry: Chemical=Method facilitated a HS2 for a new, novel chemical process. The completion of this HazID identified key information required for HazOp, and ultimately saved significant time at the HazOp stage as a number of key safety concerns had already been addressed.
Industry: ChemicalRisk assessment of Burner Management System using Fault Tree Analysis.
Industry: Mining / Metal / CementE: support@methodprosafe.com. T: 44 (0)1462 713313. W: www.methodprosafe.com