Method Process Safety

Introduction to Human Factors in Process Safety Training Course

A 1/2-day course providing delegates with an introduction to human factors, how they can impact your operation and how to recognise, evaluate and manage human failure and optimise human performance. Provides practical knowledge and techniques to help improve safety in safety critical industries such as chemical manufacture, energy and rail. Delivered using a mixture of presentations, facilitated discussion and interactive sessions.

Course Content

    Introduction to Human Factors in safety critical applications

  1. An explanation of human factors, ergonomics and human performance.
  2. The importance of human factors and its relevance to safety critical industries.
  3. Factors that influence human performance.
  4. The key legislation, standards and guidance.

    Management of Human Factors risk

  1. Overview of human error.
  2. The typical causes of human failure.
  3. Tools and methods to identify, assess and mitigate human factors risk.
  4. An overview of HEART+ – Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique.
  5. Consideration of human factors in LOPA (layer of protection analysis).

Who should attend

Anybody with a responsibility for people, safety and their working environment. Particularly, managers, operators, supervisors who are interested in reducing the risk associated with human error.

Pre qualification

This workshop assumes no-prior knowledge of human factors.

After this Workshop

After this Workshop you will be able to

What you will get

Course Options


Classroom Training

The Course is delivered as 1 x 4 hours session.


Live Online Training

The Course is delivered as 1 x 4 hours session.

Live Online

Live Online Training

The Course is delivered as 1 x 4 hours session (usually morning).

About the Trainer

Susie Guthrie

Lucy Glasgow

Lucy Glasgow is an expert on human behaviour and human error. She brings insights from a career spent in air traffic control to helping people to understand the causes of human error within other safety critical industries..

Course Enquiries

If you have any further questions, please contact us and if you wish to proceed, check your diary and reserve a place.


Customised Training

Our =Method "Introduction to Human Factors" training course can be adapted to suit an individual company (e.g. using examples relevant to your specific industry), and delivered in-house as a private course, Please contact us with your requirements.

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Method Functional Safety

Functional Safety + Process Safety + Cyber Security + Compliance Assessment + Competency Register + Software Solutions = Method Safety and Security

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