Method Process Safety

Introduction to Process Safety for Managers Training Course

Process Safety for Managers

Process safety relates to the management and control of risks from process hazards such as fires, explosions and releases of toxic materials. These are the “major accident hazards” covered by the UK COMAH (control of major accident hazards) regulations. But how do we achieve process safety in practice?

This course is a 1-day introduction to process safety. It is intended for managers and team leaders who have responsibility for process safety, as well as occupational safety professionals who are moving into process safety or suddenly find process safety responsibilities thrust upon them!

This training is classroom or online based with group and individual exercises designed to explore process safety in more detail and help delegates to relate the course content to their own situations and working environments.

Course Content


  1. What is Safety?
  2. Hazard and Risk.
  3. The difference between process safety and occupational safety.
  4. Accident case studies - individual and group exercise.
  5. The commercial and legal importance of process safety.

    UK regulatory framework and the COMAH Regulations

  1. UK process safety legislation within the context of the Health & Safety at Work act.
  2. Process Risk Assessment & HazOp Study.
  3. The Hierarchy of controls and the importance of “inherently safer design”.
  4. Process safeguards and the layer of protection concept.

    An Introduction to The COMAH Regulations

  1. The requirements of COMAH.
  2. The concept of ALARP.

    The management of flammable atmospheres - an introduction to DSEAR and ATEX

    The Principles of Process Safety Management

  1. Frameworks for Process Safety Management.
  2. Process Safety Culture.
    • Human factors in process safety.
  3. Process Safety Leadership.
  4. Leading and Lagging Indicators.
    • Leading and lagging indicators group exercise.
  5. The role of managers and team leaders in process safety management.
    • The journey towards process safety maturity within an organization.

    Course conclusion

Who should attend

Pre qualification

This course assumes no-prior knowledge of process safety. However, it is assumed that delegates will already have experience of working within the chemical or manufacturing industry, for example operations personnel or engineers recently promoted to management roles.

Please note that this course is intended within a UK context and will refer to UK legislation and UK accepted methods of achieving process safety. However, it is based on widely accepted principles of process safety management which are applicable worldwide.

After this Workshop

After this Workshop you will be able to

What you will get

Course options


Classroom Training

The Course is delivered over 1-day in public classroom sessions.


Live Online Training

The course is delivered at a client's premises as a closed course, and can be customized to suit your needs. Please contact us for more information.

This course can be delivered either in person as a one-day course, or “live-online” over two half-days. It can also be delivered as a closed course for a single client. Closed courses can be tailored to meet your exact needs, for example by training to your own process safety management procedures.

Related Training Courses

Please also note that our Introduction to Functional Safety and Hazard Study for Team Members training courses, cover areas closely related to this course.

About the Trainer

David Sparkes

David Sparkes

This course is led by David Sparkes, who is also Technical Director of Method Process Safety Ltd. He is an experienced process safety engineer, and a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers. David is also registered with the IChemE as a Professional Process Safety Engineer (PPSE) and is a Member of the Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS).


Click on the specific course dates on this page for pricing information. A quotation can be provided on request.

IP & Confidentiality

Attendance of this course confirms your acceptance to our Standard Terms and Conditions for Training events and your agreement to the protection of all course materials supplied by =Method during the delivery of this course.

Course Enquiries

Please check the course dates on this page for course details and to reserve your place, or contact us by email

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